1. Sister Wendy Beckett, who is a British nun and art critic. We were able to watch, via Netflix instant viewing stuff, parts of her "Grand Tour," and can I say, she is utterly delightful! She was basically cloistered for 20 years, just being prayerful and studying her art, and she finally came out and goes to all these different countries to look at some of her favorite pieces...which are not necessarily the best-known or most famous. And yet her joy and passion for art is truly marvelous. Her vast knowledge of both the story and her personal love for these pieces make it crazy enjoyable to watch and be a part of. Talk about art appreciation. I loved being able to spend a little time with her today, and would highly recommend her to you if you haven't seen her already.
2. Space heaters and house shoes. It got kinda chilly today, didn't it? These items helped alot.
3. Visiting Teachers. How wonderful to have my V.T.'s come into my home and share a message and their time and friendship AND brownies. I really really appreciated it. :)
"I delight in the examples of those in the scriptures who walk by faith on their earthly journey. Each time I walk with Abraham and Isaac on the road to Mount Moriah, I weep, knowing that Abraham does not know that there will be an angel and a ram in the thicket at the end of that journey. We are each in the middle of our earthly path, and we don't know the rest of our own stories. But we, as Abraham, are blessed with miracles." ~Susan W. Tanner, "My Soul Delighteth in the Things of the Lord," Ensign, May 2008, 82-83
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