Wednesday, November 25, 2009

All I want for Christmas...

Gentle Reader, for the first time EVER, I am nearly done shopping for Christmas...and it's before Thanksgiving. Woot (as my sister would say). Of course, I should amend that and say I'm done with stuff for Super J and the kids. Extended family still has a few missing items. ANYWAY! I'm thrilled that it's not even Thanksgiving and I'm almost done. Very happy about that indeed.

However! There is a downside that you rarely hear about from those who shop early for the holiday, but because I love you, I shall share: I am facing grave disappointment when one of the girls tells me that they want something very specific and it is NOT what has been obtained for them already. Like Miss E, who has taken to telling me that she wants Santa to bring her a wand. A REAL wand. A real MAGIC wand, that can make things like money and marbles and Barbies and clothes appear out of no-where. If anyone can get one for her, Santa can, right?

Um...anyone know can get one of those? Yeah, me neither. Sigh.


KC Knicks said...

Let me know if you find one. Then have Miss E wish for one for me. :)

Nancy said...

I am typically an early shopper, but it definitely has a down side. It's either the kids coming up with last minute things to add to their list, or I see something great that I have to buy... even though I was DONE.

Colton Anne said...

If you get one...tell Santa to stop at our house next!! :)