Saturday, October 17, 2009

It's Only the Beginning

So, today started at 1:30something a.m. I can't remember exactly, as I felt quite groggy, but I do remember going back to bed around 2:00-ish. Then, I got up at 3:00, but was back to bed by 3:20. Yes. Miss Q was having trouble sleeping. But no worries, because I was going to be getting up at 5:10 anyway to pick up my babysitter at 5:30 (yes, A.M., Gentle Reader) because today, Super J and I were participating in...(drumroll!) first ever official, get an actual t-shirt to mark the occasion, 5K Run.

Seriously! Woot Woot! I did it! I did the Metropolis Marathon...bahahahahah. Okay, I did the Metropolis 5K, but Marathon is on the t-shirt. Doesn't change the fact that I did it. Here are my stats:

bib number: 10893
age: 39
gender: F
location: Metropolis
overall place: 900 out of 1057
division place: 67 out of 83
gender place: 542 out of 670
time: 43:40
pace: 14:06

Can I just tell you that I beat my personal best YMCA time by 6 minutes? Yep. I and my friend ran a 5K (on the treadmill) at the Y on Monday, and I did it in just under 51 minutes. SO, I was pretty happy.

Today, my legs were on FIRE some of the time, because can I just say, LOTS OF UPHILL and DOWNHILLS which I didn't really train for...but I'll know better for next time. Anyway, I knew I could do the distance, but jogging/walking with Super J really helped with the time.

Plus, being out there with everyone, was so fun and invigorating (right, Kristan? We had a great time at the start and then she was off like a bullet! You go, girl!!! I was so proud of her. That'll be me next year!).

So, for my first time, I am pretty happy with how everything turned out. And, of course, we celebrated spontaneously by going later to get some family photos.

What a great day. :)


Katie said...

You are AMAZING! Really, you are my hero. I am proud of you. Way to get a T-shirt - milk the "marathon" for all it's worth.

Unknown said...

That is awesome! I'm so glad you did it, even though it looks rather cold there. It was cold here last week...raining at highs at about 60. :) Love you Miss L!

Shari said...

I'm inspired! Maybe I'll work on it once I have a stroller that will accommodate the entire brood! I'm not much of a runner, but I wasn't supposed to be able to get pregnant on my own! I guess everything can change!

What's up with the Walkers! said...

Wow! I am so very impressed, you are amazing. How do you find the time? Since you are my inspiration as a mother of four, I guess I'll have to follow your foot steps and try to go above and beyond!

Stephanie said...

Congratulations! I'm so happy for you! You should be VERY proud of yourself.