Saturday, November 15, 2008

November 15, Hello Gratitude!

On this fine Saturday, I am thankful for:

1. Friends who call you in the nick of time so you can help prevent a social faux pas and hurt feelings. Whew!

2. Hair dye. Oh you are curious as to what I look like, eh? Pictures coming soon (and AFTER I wash this gunk off my head! Zoinks it stinks.)

3. Family traditions for CHRISTMAS (this means I can still use this for Thanksgiving Day later, right?). I tell ya, every year...and I mean EVERY YEAR, I start making the calls to see what we are doing for the holidays ("we" being MY side of the family) and where we will rendez-vous and start the planning, much like a cruise director. Do I like it? Hmmmmm. Not as much as I used to. But it's always good to get the ball rolling, knowing that no one will make a solid commitment for a couple of weeks, we'll have to renegotiate the date a couple of times, and someone invariably irks someone else through the course of finalizing plans. But the outcome...getting together to celebrate the Yuletide, is worth it. So, today, I am grateful for the start of this particular tradition, because it means the best is yet to come.

I thank God for my handicaps for, through them, I have found myself, my work, and my God. --Helen Keller

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