Monday, October 27, 2008

Some things

There are some things in life you just have to blog about the moment they happen, if you are near a computer, that is, to get it out of your system! Seriously.

Here's one.

Around 9:15ish, I heard this loud crash outside. I told Super J, who was descending the stairs, that it sounded like someone wiped out our neighborhood sign out front (we live right off the main street and our neighborhood road, and our fenced backyard backs up to it). I asked him to check (he is, after all, the HOA president for the next few weeks).

Here's the conversation:

SJ: You're not going to believe this.

Me: WHAT????

SJ: We have a car in our backyard.

Me: WHAT???? NUH-UH!

SJ: Yep (and he turns on the backyard lights and heads outside)

Turns out some teenagers were doing WHO-KNOWS-WHAT-AND-HOW-FAST-DOWN-THE-NEIGHBORHOOD-STREET and lost control of their car and careened into our backyard, taking out at least 3 sections of our beautiful wood fence, making a half moon in the yard and biffing into a 4th section of fence, where the car came to a halt, facing the street (sticking half in/half out of the yard/fence/sidewalk).

Oh yeah. Exciting stuff.

Luckily, no one was hurt, but man do we have wood carcases all over the yard.

More later!!!!


Jennifer Lee said...

Shut up! Did they take out any trees in the process?

Stephanie said...

I wish you'd taken pictures!

I've always had an unrealistic fear of a car crashing into the bedrooms of our house. Thankfully, the bedrooms are all upstairs at our new house, so I would hope that fear is never realized.

I hope the teenagers were all okay.

Allison said...

So, whose insurance pays for the fence? Theirs, I hope!

Speaks Family said...

Okay, so glad the kids weren't in the backyard! I can't believe you found my blog! I am so glad. I need to see a picture of you family, hello! You've got to post just one. :o) Megan Speaks

Katie said...

Holy cow! That's just stuff you see on "Cops." I'm glad the fam was OK!!

Madelyn said...

you have the most exciting life! so glad no one was hurt...except that driver, couldn't he have at least broken a leg or something?