Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Some Pictures of the Accident

Some of these are better than others, but keep in mind it was after 9pm when all this went down, and I'm glad Super J was even out there snapping pictures.

It looks better this morning, though the tire tracks are impressive and OH so evident (man did that kid come close to our new trees!) but only because the dad of the teen driver (I think he was 17--the driver, not the dad, I mean) made him pick up all the yard wreckage. The police figure he had to be doing about 60 to 70-ish mph up the street to cause him to fishtail and loose control. Super J said, of course, that the kid said that he was only doing 35 mph...bless his heart.

Also, Super J said to me that at one point, most boys do something stupid like this (when they are "learning" to drive (which made me grateful that I have all girls, but I know that even girls do make stupid driving mistakes, too...ugh...from personal experience)), but it was kinda satisfying listening to the police lecture the teens on just how dangerous that kind of driving is. What if it had been during the day and kids were in the backyard or someone was walking along the sidewalk? This could have been a quick way for this young drivers life to be radically changed...forever.

ANYWAY! Super J took the camera with him to work, so I'll try to post some "day" pictures later...

Point of Entry into our yard:
Another angle of point of entry (notice the piece of car part along with the fence):
Where the car landed (this is from the street, so the rest of the car is in our yard):
The car inside our yard:
I believe Super J said the car took out approximately 44 feet of fence. Yep. Good times.

The silver lining in all this? Super J was toying with the idea a couple of weeks ago of re-staining the fence before the onset of winter. Now, though, we are soooo glad we didn't put the time or money into that particular project.

OH! Another silver lining??? Because we wanted to get these pictures loaded, we also have pictures of the girls and Miss A's b-day party! Finally!!!!!! I'm so bad with getting pictures on. But to whet your whistle, here's Miss O and her hair, two Sunday's ago, just after naps (see? I do take pictures...I just don't POST pictures often):
...to be continued!


Allison said...

Your "Good Times Memory Bank" is going to be so fun to withdraw from!

Katie said...

LOVE Miss O's hair, by the way! :-)

Unknown said...

She's cute! And I love the car pictures. This summer we had an SUV full of teenage boys take out the stoplight in front of our apartment. Headlight in the front yard, broken things on the sidewalk, it was good times. Hope the fence goes back up soon.

Katrina said...

Whoodoggy! I'm glad it was nighttime and not daytime and everyone was indoors. *good thoughts* *big hugs*

Glad you all are/were safe.
