Wednesday, October 8, 2008

2 month appointment

Can you even believe it, Gentle Reader? Time has flown by...practically in a blur!

Today Miss Q had her 2 month doctor's appointment...she's in the 75th percentile for weight, 40th for height and 70th for her head. So, she's a chubby short thing with a big ol' noggin. And, of course, the 2 month appointment starts the immunizations cycle. She got 5 shots, one dose of rotavirus (oral medication which she sucked down and I'm sooooo grateful for that. If you've ever had the rotavirus, you know why this is such a great thing) and .08 of Tylenol to help it all go down. Actually, they did the Tylenol first then the rota and then the shots.

Man-o-man was she FURIOUS when she got the shots, as I would be, too, if I had not had anything poked into me and then all of a sudden I had FIVE pricks in my chubby legs, and all my mom did to "help" was to hold me down and kiss my forehead while I was hurting. It seriously breaks your heart to hear them scream, but I'm hoping this keeps her from screaming more down the line.

So here's a question: the pediatrician also said that everyone needs to get the flu shot this year, especially since we now have 2 in school. I swear, every time *I've* gotten the flu shot, I've gotten particularly sick during the season. Does this happen to anyone else? Oh well. I guess I'll get the kids the shot, but I'll ponder for myself.

All in all, a good visit.


Katrina said...

Lately I've been choosing not to get the flu shot, but I know our Mom has to have one for work. So *shrugs*

I have no idea. I do know it might be a good idea if you don't, to have some herbal stuffs handy (as well as cold/flu meds) just in case. But that's just me.

2 months. Wow. I know how she feels about the shot oweys. :)


Madelyn said...

I can't believe she's 2 months old!

Katie said...

2 months already? How did that happen? I've been lucky with the flu shots, I guess (knock on wood).

Tricia said...

It's all a blur because you are soooooooooooo tired. :)

I am much like you, dear friend, when it comes to flu shots. When I don't get the shot, I am healthy but when I get it, sick as a dog......