Sunday, July 6, 2008


...Happy Birthday to you!

Today is Super J's big day and we have celebrated with a delightful array of church, food, friends and family. The best kind of gluttony, if you ask me. :)

And, can I just say, we got a GREAT new recipe for this great bean salsa which I will post tomorrow because, trust me, you'll want it.

OHHHHH! I made the lime coconut cake just for Super J. And OHHOLYCOW, it's a KEEPER! Yummo...I mean, really. Yummo. AND, thanks to Cryptic Jennifer, we have PICTURES! I know. Recipes and pictures. Can you even imagine?????

So, tomorrow I will be adding all sorts of great recipes and pictures, but for now, Happy Birthday, Sweet Super J. You are the best. :) And as always, thanks for asking. :)

1 comment:

Katie said...

Please add my "Happy BDay" to Super J!