Driving to swimming lessons (more on that later):
Miss A: "Mom! I saw some Queen's Ant's Lace!"
Miss E: "Yeah, Mom! We see some Queen Ant's Lace!!!"
Pause, pause.
Me: "You mean, Queen ANNE'S Lace?"
Both: "Who?"
"Queen Anne. That's was her name. Not as in the bugs, but her name is ANNE."
Update: Super J fixed the broom. And there was much rejoicing in Crumb Land ("hooray!").
I asked, are you sure you can fix it? He just looked at me like I'd asked him if he had two eyes. I'm sure, somewhere in the distance, theme music started. He went out to the garage and, using who knows what, he got the broken-off screw thingy out of the broom head and put a very green handle (from an old broom or mop, I dunno. It looked vaguely familiar, but I haven't used something with a green handle for quite some time) on the yellow broom head. It's not real pretty to look at, but it works. And it didn't cost a thing.
I have a fear that Miss O is currently enjoying an ear infection. There is no fever, but the child refuses to go down for bed tonight! It's 12:00ish, and I have finally succumbed to letting her just cry. She's been given ibruprofen, some ear drops and finally something to releave congestion (and hopefully some pressure in the ear). It's either ear infection or 2 year old molars are starting to come in. Either way, now we are both tired of each other and I am done. Argh. I hate getting to this point because I feel like a bad mommy. Oh well. I shall not dwell.
Instead, let me enthrall you with the fact that we went to our first Mommy & me swimming lesson today (Misses A & E had "real" lessons during the same time. Blessedly, they are all 30 minutes long, which truly is quite short when one is actually in the water). Initially, Miss O was JOYOUS to be there. She kicked like a pro--both on her tummy and on her back. She put her chin in the water. She kinda put her ear in the water. She did GREAT.
For 15 minutes.
And then she was done and wanted out of the pool and wanted NOTHING more to do with it...until the "lesson" was done and everyone else was getting out of the pool, and then she was DESPERATE to get back into the pool. Ugh. Very hard to pick up fit-pitching child who should not be quite so close to the pool when pitching said fit when one has swallowed a bowling ball which currently resides in el stomacho (you may not be able to tell by this word choice, but I don't know Spanish. Sorry). So, I don't know what's wrong with her. Swimmers ear? Ear infection? Molars? She's almost 2 (in a week! Holy Smokes (or smocks, as I just typed...that seems to kinda work, too).
In the meantime, Miss A & E were very very good, both behaviorally and at their swim lessons. They do want to stay and play in the little adjoining water park, that is right next to the pools where the swim lessons take place. I, honestly, don't know if I have that in me. I was EXHAUSTED by the time we got home. It takes about an hour to prep for swim lessons and get everyone fed, pottied, dressed, buckled in the car and then readied for the lesson, then it takes 20 minutes to get back to the car AFTER swim lessons and then you come home, get everyone changed and snacked (but not too much snack because lunch is just around the corner). Yep. Tired.
And on that happy note, I cannot believe we are going to swim lessons for the next 7 weekdays. What was I thinking??? Oh yeah. I don't want my kids to drown when they go to our local, un-life-guarded pool because they have a false sense that they "can swim" because they use one of those blow-up tube thingies.
True story: The other day, I was reminding Miss E that she was starting swimming classes and she happily chirped, "Can I be the teacher?"
"Ummmm, no honey. They are lessons for you to take."
"But I already know how to swim" (with the inner tube thingy).
"And that's why you are taking more lessons, hon."
So, Super J left town this afternoon (after fixing the broom...Ta Da!) for a business trip.
In honor of that, I took the liberty of going to Panera Bread for a little something for Momma and then took the kids to McDonald's for some Happy Meals and Playland playtime (and, honestly, a Redbox Chick flick for me).
Here's the quick and dirty review of the evenings events:
Panera Bread: a little slice of the hot place when one has 3 kiddos and Miss O decides she is going to do her impression of a legless sack of potatoes (I know, I know, potato sacks often do NOT have legs and if they did, they'd be very scary indeed, but let's just say she went boneless practically the entire time we were there because she DID NOT WANT TO HOLD MY HAND and was OFFENDED that I was making her. Ugh). AND, on top of that...where do they get the help these days. No, wait. That's not fair. But let's call a spade a spade and say that the highschoolers at Panera on this particular evening were about as helpful as...rotted basil. And as filled with energy and happiness to be working at Panera, I might add, as that rotted basil. Not impressed.
Walking out to the car from Panera Bread: HUGE slice of the hot place because some idiot older man driver in a little sporty coupe decided he was going to speed through the parking lot, give me and my little ducklings the right of way to cross the street, only to then turn into the lane at a quick speed trying to get the empty parking spot that was right next to where we were walking. Miss O TRIPS (of course), luckily NOT in the path of the car, but parallel to it, successfully freaking me, Misses A & E, and I hope with any good fortune, that asinine driver completely OUT. Seriously, she totally could have been hit because of this #$%@*&(^% speedy driving.
I mean, if it was AT ALL busy, I might have understood his rush to Get. That. Spot. But there was no other car coming or going near us. AND there was another empty spot two cars down from this particular spot. AND there were 3 empty car spots open from that second option spot. I must admit, I was NOT thinking kind Christian thoughts about this gentleman (clearly). Instead, I wanted to really light into him for his Total Display of Stupidity. I was hashed. But I was still freaked from my child almost being hit and so I just got us all in the Red Rocket and took a big drag from my beverage (diet caffine free Pepsi with a shot of Pepsi. Very nice. I like it better than Coke products, as stated before...somewhere), and, true confessions, horked down my half turkey sandwich.
McDonald's: Thus in my stellar mood, we drive around the outdoor mall and arrive at McDonald's. We go in, order the food, and I get a beverage (they have Light Minute Maid Lemonade at this McDonald's. Also very nice and refreshing). I realize after I paid that I should have gotten a large because then I'd get a free redbox DVD rental. Argh. I ask the cashier, "Is it too late to upgrade my drink to a large?"
"Nope," she says, and starts swapping the cups.
"How much?" I ask, digging through my wallet and getting some change ready.
Get this: "No charge."
I could have reached over and kissed her. I mean, how nice was that. And she even gave me one of the free DVD rental cups.
I also wanted to say, "Panera Bread has NOTHING on you tonight, friendly helpful people at McDonald's!"
AND to make things, seriously, even better...there were hardly any people in the Playland. I hesitate to say this, but it was almost soothing to be there. The kids played...used the bathroom facilities (Alot...ohholycow, they must have been saving up for a trip to use public restrooms!)...and had a nice, low key time.
Holy Smocks! It's after 1:00am. Okay, tomorrow, I shall continue this enthralling tale of my Monday evening, with a riviting story of how much of a dork I am when trying to get a movie out of the Red Box. Yegads. And I'll give you a review of the movie, 27 Dresses.
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