Monday, August 30, 2010


So, as of this morning, I've lost 9.7 pounds.  That's the official weigh in.  I appreciate (where I've been meticulously tracking my calories.  Ugh, but you know, it's working so what can I say) rounding up that number. It nice for the ol' mental cheerleader that urges me to keep going, you know?  Yay. 

Of course, when I came back to step on the scale (yes, I know.  Obsessive.  Let's not dwell, shall we?), after NOT yet having breakfast, but having gotten the kids off to school, I was .2 pounds lighter, and thus un-officially reached my Miss E's pre-pregnancy weight goal marker.  Yep.  I have not weighed this since I got pregnancy with Miss E, who is now 6.  I'm sure it will be more official by mid-week (aka: I step on the scale and it STAYS at that weight), but...

I'm taking a moment to rejoice.

Now, the new goal is the next 10 pounds which will put me at my pre-pregnancy weight with Miss A.  And then ONLY ten more pounds until I'm at my wedding weight.  I know, right?  It's so easy to put on, so grueling to take off.

I shall write more, later, about how I was THIIIIIIIIS close to cracking this week, and how because of that, I'm going to pull back on my crazy exercise schedule...just for the week.  I need to take a breather so I'm don't completely lose it.

In the meantime:  yay!


mshaw said...

Way to go Laurenda! We rejoice in even the little numbers don't we?! Keep going! Nothing tastes as good as "skinny"feels. (But remember "skinny"is relative)

Hokie said...

I haven't been reading your blog for sometime, I don't know why, and I am so excited to hear about your successes.

I have been activly working on my weight for a little over a year and have oh so far to go so I know how much work it is. Keep it up, you're awesome!

Rach said...

Yay! Way to go! You can do it! I know these all sound very cliche, but I really mean it. You are doing an awesome job! Woo hoo!

Daisie said...

Yay! Is right Laurenda! I mean it, you are an inspiration to me! I am so proud of you!! And hope to be following in your footsteps here soon! Great job!!

Adrienne said...

Oh for the willpower of L!!! You are aaamaazing! I so hope you have a lingering pair of "pre-A" pants hiding in your closet, ready to be worn!

Colton Anne said...

Way to go girl!! I'm finding it is so much harder to get off the more kids you have!! I was depressed the other day on the scale because I was closer to my pregnancy weight with Rex than I was to my weight before I had Rex...depressing...and most of those pounds were lost with all the fluid he had in my belly with him!! You are great inspiration!!