You know what's hardest about the Summer so far? It's the grousing--from all of us.
Whether it's my kids' grumpies (let's not forget that Miss Q is turning 2 in August, and can I just say, it is VERY apparent. Or at least it was to everyone in Wal-mart yesterday, where she shrieked for about 3/4th of the grocery shopping excursion. Good times), or even my own, and my guilt at how I'm feeling like a bad mom this summer; regardless, it's the pits!
Not that there aren't some nice moments. There are. I promise. For example, last night we all went and enjoyed a Slurpee. Simple pleasures, indeed. But in between, there are these times when I say to myself, "Leave the room right. now. before you explode at the kids and shatter everyone into a thousand pieces."
Yep, not a day goes by that I don't have to mentally remind myself that a) they are kids! I mean, seriously! Miss A isn't even 8. That's still quite little. And b) not to let myself get beaten down by their comments, because that's how I feel. Beaten down and tired. And today, it's not even 9:00 am yet!
This is the thing that ages parents, I swear. This is the thing that gives us grey hairs...or is it gray? I can never remember. See??? Precious brain cells are completely worn out. Yes! It's the CONSTANT complaining--from somebody. And I have four precious things that tell me every ill and issue that happens to come across their paths. It is a constant barrage and it's exhausting. After almost 8 years of it, the fatigue has set in and is not easily shirked off.
What *I* need to learn is that I don't have to referee every fight or respond to every complaint. I just don't. No one responds to my every complaint and whine and concern. This is life. I think it's probably okay for my kids to learn this lesson now. You might not like something, you might want to say something about it, but that doesn't mean it's going to change, especially by the one doing the grousing!
I mean, just look at daily politics. Everyone kvetches and no one does anything. Yep. Real Life in action right there.
So, maybe this summer is about learning some hard lessons. Not every complaint will go answered, not every grouse will get people LEAPING into action to soothe. But that's actually okay.
If I can really start to believe that, maybe I can be a happier person. And if not, I'll just complain. But take comfort in that I don't expect you, Gentle Reader, to solve the problem for me.
Like I said, you always make me feel better about my own days at home...this morning it started early and I just prayed really hard that we would all survive until the end of the day! Have you ever heard of the book "Love and Logic", its a great way to help your kids learn to deal with "real life" even at their young age, it helps me to know how to deal with them, but its hard to implement but worth it in the end if you can make it that long....Thanks so much for your thoughts, I really needed it:)
You are the best therapist ever. No, really, and in a HEALTHY way, not in a "may I dump upon thee" kind of way. My children will never stand in general conference and claim their mother never raised her voice in anger. I have made peace with this. :)
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