Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Matthew 13:42

42. And shall cast them into a furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth.

I think God is sending me a sign to get my act together. He cracked open the door to the furnace just a little bit and this is the vision:

This very morning, after maybe a whopping 4 hours of sleep last night (between midnight and 2 and then between 5ish and 7, so I am truly Miss Merry Sunshine, embodied), I arose to hear Miss O screaming to get out of her crib (Super J was on the very loud treadmill having a morning run and did not hear her...he's training for a 5K in 2 weeks). So, I got her out of bed only to hear Miss E crying because Super J had to tell her in a strong voice to STAY AWAY FROM THE TREADMILL because she kept trying to touch the moving belt (!!!). Then, of course, Miss Q wakes up and is screaming that newborn cry that only a few weeks ago sounded so sweet to me. After 4 hours of sleep last night, it's not quite so melodious.

Moments later, Miss E starts in with the tears because of some penny that Miss A had found on the floor, and Miss E was bound and determined that it was HER penny, so she had to be sent to her room after trying to rip it out of Miss A's hands (more screaming and crying and mumbling about how unfair life is) because she won't let the issue go.

Let's not even go into the breakfast Syrup and Milk issues. sigh.

THEN, in the mad rush to get Miss A off to school, Super J gets a phone call, so of course, Miss A has decided that she needs help, all of a sudden, to get her socks and shoes on (which I assured her in my most Mother Toned Voice that she did NOT need Daddy's help and had better get those blasted things on RIGHT NOW! Why do kids become slow or incapacitated when they are on the verge of being late (or in Miss Q's case, have a massive blowout?)?? I ask you, Gentle Reader, why?). Meanwhile, Miss O figures that if Miss A cannot get her shoes on, then Miss O surely can, so she digs into the shoe bin and finds ONE flip flop, put it on with the plastic tongue of the shoe in between toes #2 and #3 and starts screaming that she can't find the other shoe...but her screaming sounds more like, "BAHHHHHHH-SHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW! BAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH-SHEWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW". You get the idea.

You can only imagine how Family prayers went. Super J reminded the girls to fold their arms and Miss O loudly says, "NO!" several times.

Oh. And it's garbage day, so we have to madly get that taken outside after collecting all the bags of soiled diapers I have scattered around the house. To further help, Miss O is following me around, one flip flop on, carrying around a DVD case that she wants me to put on for her and crying because it hasn't happened. Oh. And she wants to go outside. I'm not sure how all that's going to work out for her, but good luck with that.

And that was about 15 minutes of the morning. Well, maybe a bit more than 15 minutes (but less than 60). It sure seems like time was condensed into a really really shrill soundbite, replete with LOTS of saline streaming from the eyes of the 4 and younger set. And it's not even a complete picture of the chaos that was going was just one of those mornings, you know?

Oh. And the gnashing of teeth??? I'm sure that was me.

Like I said, I need to get my act together. I sure don't want to visit this little slice of the Hot Place again anytime soon.


Cindy Bassett said...

Girl, I don't think you did anything to deserve your 15 minutes of shrill. In fact, I think that you are a saint beyond compare. I am still in awe at the thought of being 9 months pregnant with a sprained ankle and then dealing with lice. I know that God knows that I am not strong enough to deal with all that!

Miss L said...

That sure is sweet of you to say. :) Thank you.

Adrienne said...

No one EVER deserves a little piece of hell to call their own. So just know that. At moments like that, I either look at or call Derek and say, "Do we smoke? Do we drink? Why haven't we started?" cuz it sure as heck sounds like a good idea right about now.
So at least you didn't head off and buy a pack of cigs to go smoke behind the school trailers to calm your nerves. I'm hoping you found yourself a huge slab of chocolate, matched perfectly with a nice diet coke, or if it's a bad day, a NON-diet coke!!! Oh, we all just love that you are willing to blog about your Days from Heck. The rest of us just cower, cry, and hope they go away. :)

Katie said...

Miss L,
You already have your act together - I'm quite impressed with how you handle 4 girls. We really do need another pedicure day, don't we?