Tuesday, September 30, 2008


This was quite a weekend of festivities. Going backwards...

Yesterday, Super J and I celebrated 7 wonderful years of marriage. For anniversary presents, we each got what we wanted: Super J wanted some written goals from me (I HATE setting goals...ugh) for where I see myself in 20 years. Alrighty then. And he gave me a gift I have been asking for, for years: a new toilet seat for our downstairs bathroom. He even installed it and fixed the toilet's wiggly base. Now, Gentle Reader, when you use the facilities in the downstairs bathroom, you no longer feel you are on one of those very unsteady parking lot carnival ride, unstrapped. Very gratifying.

So yeah, those are some pretty sexy gifts, wouldn't you say? Regardless, that 7 year itch has NOTHING on us.

Seriously, I feel very blessed. I love him and it's great to know he loves me, too. :)

I do feel bad for the economic crisis that caused the down to drop 777 points, thus shooting our anniversary date into infamy. Oh well. Now we'll have another reason to remember it.

Also very important to note, as it often eclipses our anniversary:

Yesterday was also Miss A's official birthday. I have party pictures and stories to tell, which will be a post of its own. But until then, Happy Birthday Eldest Daughter. These 6 years have flown, and I sure love you. Thanks for being such a good sport in dealing with first time parenting techniques.

Also being a good sport this weekend: me. Super J's folks came up this weekend. On one hand, it's good to see them because it's been a while. On the other hand, it's good it's been a while to see them. It actually turned out to be a pretty pleasant visit, with the crazies only manifesting (to me, anyway) just before Grandma left and she started asking me about Miss Q getting enough to eat and being healthy and if my "milk" was okay because they had a dog who was nursing puppies and something went very wrong with her milk (!!!!!). I think I said something like, "Okay," and left the room. Other than that, things went pretty well.

Okay, so Miss Q is SHRIEKING in my arms now. Gotta go. Have a great morning!

1 comment:

Katrina said...

Congrats on Seven Years! Seems like only yesterday. :) *hugs*

Ah, and happy birthday to the Abigail. I find it amazing that she's six!

*hugs again*