Sunday, August 24, 2008

Best thing on at 4:00 am

Remember how I was saying that there's just not alot on tv in the wee hours of the morning? Well, I guess I was wrong. I was watching a random movie on TBS and this ad ran and, Gentle Reader, it might as well have been a Hallmark Commercial because it made me laugh and cry and I had to share it with you. Everytime I see it, it makes me smile. Enjoy!!!

And, while I was looking for this commercial, I found this one, too. And can I just say, this really could be Super J and any one of my girls. :)


Katie said...

I LOVE them. So adorable.
If it IS Super J and one of your girls, I'll pay money to see it.

Adrienne said...

Those are SO COOL!! I love that someone is putting out ads like this! Thanks for sharing, kid.