Tuesday, July 29, 2008

When After Hours Urgent Care Finally Called Last Night

When they finally called (after 9:30pm!!!!), the male nurse told me that Radiology had just gotten back the results, so that while he knew the answer to my "Is it a sprain or is it a fracture" question, since the doctor had not signed off on it, he could not tell me one way or another, and would need to call back today (which I have and have yet to receive an answer).

I kid you not.

But since it's acting like a sprain, I have decided to treat it like one today and so it goes. Like I said, I do have a call in to them today to see what's going on, and if they call back and say, "Surprise! It's a fracture!" I will be hot hot hot under the collar. But since I figure if it was something more serious, I would not be able to walk on it, I'm not too too concerned. Just miffed.

And this is what we shall call a "heads-up" about this After Hours Urgent Care.

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