Sunday, June 8, 2008

Why does it always feel like...

...a getaway is too short? I had a very nice time at my Mom's (though the highlight was NOT my nephew puking at 3am on Saturday morning. Note to self to tell children when they are older: 3 sprites snuck out of the fridge and chocolate skittles does not a bedtime snack make!). Have you ever heard of those guys with their diet coke and Mentos ????

Well, just think of that in a 10 year olds stomach. Bless his heart.

Anyway, overall we had a very nice (and subsequently very short) visit and I drove home today (Sunday) just in time for Super J to go to a meeting and for yet ANOTHER severe thunderstorm to roll through (remind me to post about the CRAZED moment I had when my cell phone started ringing and I couldn't find it ANYWHERE. Oh my heck! I was not having a WWJD moment when I was ranting and then literally screamed in frustration when I couldn't find the blasted thing. And trust me, how safe is it for a woman driving the speed limit on the highway to be searching through her enormous black bag that has three big ol'pockets and NOT finding her phone, I ask you? Answer: probably not very! I finally gave up and then about 10 miles from home saw it on the floor between the seats. Heavy sigh. Hmmmmm...actually, now that I've told you, you probably don't need to remind me to post since I've already done so. Sorry.). The rain is battering the window even as I type, thunder and lightening every so often. I got the girls showered early and in their pj's so at least I don't have to worry about lightening and all during "bathtime." AND, I probably should have checked the weather BEFORE I watered my poor herb garden, which looked droopy and parched, but oh well. At least I know it drains well and hopefully tomorrow they'll be nice and perky.

On the other hand completely, while I was away, Super J and Aunt D took the girls to visit their Grandma Peters who is currently in the hospital four hours away with a severe case of cellulitis. I asked Miss A about it and she said, "Yep, we got to see Grandma. She has a big hole in her leg. And we even got to see her eat!" Not sure why the eating was so memorable, but okay. Only later at dinner did she also tell me that a nurse gave them Popsicles while they were at the hospital. Super J said that the girls did a GREAT job with all the travel and such, but today Miss O has been particularly squirrelly. Of course.

And speaking of Miss O, she is wanting attention so I shall bid you a fond adieu. Until tomorrow!!!! Stay safe and dry. I know we're trying to. :)

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