The whole family was driving to Costco on Saturday and from the back seat, I hear very excitedly, "Mom! Mom! I just saw some Queen Anne's Lice!"
Pause, pause.
"You mean, Queen Anne's Lace?"
"Oh, yeah."
During Primary (our Children's Meeting), our Primary President started talking about one of the girls in the congregation who was just baptized on Saturday and was talking it up, saying that something very exciting had happened to someone and asked if anyone knew what it was.
Miss E raises her hands, gets called on, and then proceeds to stand and tell everyone, "We have been very good and must think...(about who knows what because she said something I couldn't quite understand)...and it's so wonderful that tomorrow we get to start swimming lessons!!!!"
While at Costco, one of the ladies (who was probably 50-ish and of Latin descent, based on her accent) who hands out samples was starting with her little sales pitch when all of a sudden she stops and says, "Where did you get your top????"
I was wearing a maternity top that my mom had gotten for me from the Army Post near where she lives. I told this sweet lady this and she said, "I love the colors and it looks super comfortable. I wish I could get one!"
I made some lame comment about needing to be comfortable at this stage and then walked off...not sure if I should be complimented about how a retiree enjoyed my wardrobe selection or offended that she just joined the throngs who people who don't realize that, once again, I'm PREGNANT!
And speaking of things felt this weekend...I had a TERRIBLE, tear (as in salt water leaking from the eye, not a ripping tear) inducing pain this morning. It was definitely not a contraction, but a literal pain that felt like it took probably 10 minutes of laying down to vanquish. Ugh. My mantra is now: I only need to get through 4 more weeks. Four more weeks. That's it.
We have a "toddler" bird living near our house...I believe it's a Robin...and it's learning to fly. Watching it the past few days, it's been fascinating to see the interactions with the parental birds as it is literally getting its wings. I'm not sure where the nest is located (it's NOT in the swing set), but the birds fly and land on the banister of our deck and sometimes they all just sit there, like the parents are waiting for the youngling to catch it's proverbial wind. Ahhhhh, Nature. Fascinating to watch.
The girls particularly enjoyed today when we saw a parent bird feed the "toddler" and then later saw the same parent bird fly with a worm in its mouth, but the "baby" wasn't there. Interesting. On a completely different note about Nature, these birds sure poop alot on the ol' banister.
And we'll end with yet another fine example of my parenting:
Miss A and E were throwing some nerf ball at each other (both have very poor aim and were laughing and running away from one another). Miss E kept saying, "Don't hit my nose! Don't hit my nose" and Miss A finally reassured her that Miss E could move her hand (which had been covering said nose) because she wasn't going to hit her there and then Miss A proceeded to...throw the ball and hit Miss E on the nose.
I caught the whole thing and said, "Miss A! Why did you do that? You know what happens to liars, don't you? They go to the Hot Place." (and I literally said, "hot place," just so you know)
Well, it was dinner time and we got everyone settled and served, prayed over the food and everyone was digging in when Miss A says, very earnestly, "Mom, can you tell me more about this 'Hot Place?'"
I tried to get her to wait until after supper, but she said, "No. I'd rather hear about it now."
Super J jumps in with the oh-so-helpful, "Well, according to 'true' church doctrine," AHEM!!!!! I thinks in my head, "...the Hot Place is truly only reserved for those who openly rebel against Christ, and I highly doubt that you will be included in this, so don't worry about it."
Ummmmm, yeah. That really didn't do anything to help.
So then I, with even more clumsy finesse, start in with, "Well, you know that if we want to go back to be with Heavenly Father, we must be on our best behavior and so we can't lie, because we can't be with Heavenly Father and our families if we make the decision to lie to people, so it's best to tell the truth, because any place without our Father in Heaven or our Families is going to be the Hot Place and they call it the Hot Place because you are so embarrassed and sad that you aren't with those you love." (Ugh!!!!! At this point, I'm just so glad she hasn't asked a direct question about sex! I wonder how bad I'd be blathering about that, when the time comes. Yegads!)
Super J and I both look at each other and then say, to Miss A who still looks very concerned, "Honey, you really don't need to worry about it. Let's just not lie."
Miss A says, "So, I'll just work to do better."
"Yes, Honey, that's a great idea."
...And something I'll work on, too.
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