Monday, October 31, 2011

Month of Gratitude...starting tomorrow

Just like my chicken broth diet,* tomorrow starts my dear friend Cryptic Jennifer's Attitude of Gratitude Month.  I'm going to email her my list and hopefully post it daily to my blog (I know, I know.  Did you catch the word "hopefully?").  Here's the rules, copied shamelessly from my friend, if you'd like to participate (if so, leave me a message in the comments so I can follow you on your month of Thankfulness).  If not, I hope you still feel free to join me in identifying things to be grateful for, as they are all around us, and come back to check in on me to see if I'm able to complete the challenge.  Happy Month of Thankfulness!!!!

*I'm not really starting a chicken broth diet, but the idea is not bad considering that we ARE entering the season of baking and treats, and I've gained back a shameful amount of weight due to ongoing back injury, personal pity parties, and lack of self restraint.  Hmmmmm, this month of gratitude is well timed.

Hello Friends!

It's cold out there! I want to cook soup and bake things that are pumpkin flavored but can't get myself off the couch because I'm in a Halloween candy induced coma. You know what all that means... It's time to kick off the 8th Annual Attitude of Gratitude Challenge. Many of you know the drill, but we've got some new participants this year so I am including the FAQs below.

Attitude of Gratitude Challenge

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the Attitude of Gratitude challenge? How does it work?

A: Each day during the month of November you will send an email to me (and I to you), at least, but feel free to invite others to participate and you can send your gratitude emails to them, as well. Each daily email will contain three "things" for which you are grateful. The challenge is to come up with three ORIGINAL "things" each day.  (Miss L's note:  For the most part, I'm just going to email Cryptic J back and post my list on my blog.)

Q: What constitutes a "thing"?

A: Definition of "thing"- the term "thing" is used here to encompass a myriad of stuff including, but not limited to: a certain set of circumstances, an event, an inanimate object distinguished from a living being, possessions or effects, a deed or act, a product of work or activity, an idea or notion, a piece of news or information, a person, a memory, anything that makes you smile.

Q: Now, when you say "ORIGINAL", does that mean we can't repeat entries?

A: That's correct. Try not to repeat entries :)

Q: What if I forget one day?

A: Your email should be sent by midnight each night. If you miss a day or two, no biggie, but I would love for you to make it up!

Q: Do I have to participate?

A: Participation is completely optional.

Q: What if I decide to not participate but I keep getting Crypic J's daily emails and I don't want to see them?

A: Feel free to let me know if you'd prefer to not be on my daily list. I won't be offended. I will just be grateful that you let me know. I also generally post my gratitudes to my blog, and I was thinking of starting Facebook group this year. Would you prefer to check the blog or participate via Facebook instead of getting the daily email?  (I'll still be posting to the blog, but if we end up doing the FB thing, I'll let you know)

Q: Are there any side effects I should be aware of?

A: Actually, I should warn you that challenge participation may result in any or all of the following:

- you will be surprised at all the Lord has done for you
- angels will attend
- you will feel help and comfort
- you may find yourself singing as the days go by
- your doubts will fly

Be Grateful!

"We can lift ourselves and others as well when we refuse to remain in the realm of negative thought and cultivate within our hearts an attitude of gratitude. If ingratitude be numbered among the serious sins, then gratitude takes its place among the noblest of virtues." ~President Thomas S Monson, October 2010 LDS General Conference


Unknown said...

I thought about this the other day. Expect some good ones this year. I have way, way too many things to be thankful for not to do this. :)

Pam said...

I am not exactly sure how to do this. Do I email you or post on my blog? But hey, I'll do it.