Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Off we went...

...to the pool. After an hour and a half, we came home. I'm amazed we stayed there that long, to be frank and honest. The Girls did GREAT staying in the little 1 footer. Because of that, my confidence is bolstered and I forsee us going back on our own, some afternoon.

Anyhoo, Super J was mowing the lawn in the backyard, so all three girls went outside and played on the swing set while he mowed. And then Miss E and O came inside and poor Miss O, clearly fatigued, just started that exhaustion cry and laid on the kitchen floor, crying some more. So I fed her and got her in the shower (SHRIEKING) and then put her in her p.j.s (Shrieking) and then gave her some more medicine (whimper) and started rocking her with her bottle (sniff) and she was out within 1.5 songs (we listen to the same CD every day and night...it has 17 tracks, and she is normally out for nap time around track 4-5 and at nighttime around track 7-10, depending). This was at 6:45. Let's hope she decides to sleep through the night, else I'll be mad at myself for not insisting she take a nap.

That being said, there are 3 things you can't make a baby do: eat, sleep and potty train. Hmph. Let's just hope she sleeps.

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